In 2024, I launched a brand-new social media marketing project through my passion for music. When I formed my first professional band, Gold Noire Band, I took on the challenge of building and marketing a business from the ground up. Believe me, it was a life-changing experience having to dissociate myself personally from my marketing. I had to quell the constant doubt “Am I just self-promoting?” Is this ego? Or real marketing. So I threw my doubts under the bus and did a full experiment on Organic Niche Social Media Marketing. 54 videos and 60+ posts later the experiment has run its first year.
My focus was video both long and short forms. Long were full songs 3 -4 minutes and short was 60 seconds or less.
4 Platforms - Facebook (long video), Instagram (Reels), YouTube (both long and short), and TikTok (both long and short).
As I predicted Facebook rocked. Granted the event boosts added views and it was the only paid ad that I ran across the platforms. Facebook is always on the bottom of the list with my clients but time and time again it proves itself the workhorse of Social Media, especially in a small geographical area. Your clientele may be Instagram-based, so create for Instagram but do not leave out Facebook.
These numbers were decent mostly driven by Reels and just as the year ended in November we were doing weekly sessions and I was up to 3 posts a week. We were beginning to take purchase and gain actual followers. One session in November when I took the stage I was taken aback by all the phones suddenly appearing while I sang my first song. These patrons did not bring out their phones for anyone else that evening. As an artist, I was greatly honored, but as a marketer, I was witnessing the act of Social Proof. As a digital marketer what a gift to witness first hand. So cool. These people had seen me on Meta and they were taking video to prove they were there. Before that night I had only heard about the phenomenon. Shortly after the Instagram views began to spike from 50 views to over 500 views per video. Our followers doubled in a month.
I run multiple platform tests every chance I get. Never underestimate the power of YouTube. It is easy to access and spans the generations. It never fails me. There were no ads just organic posts. Some are still producing views.
We all hear about TikTok and its viral capabilities. I have yet to find a way into the main feed algorithm. My content is locally based and has small audiences compared to anything nation wide or even worldwide. This is nothing against TikTok it is all about knowing your audience.
In the end, it was a wonderful experience both personally and professionally. The highlight was witnessing the social proof video night. This was an accumulation of a good prior online presence over time coupled with an increased consistent weekly posting and building a buzz. For a moment I thought something was happening on stage that I was unaware of, with the sudden appearance of phones, it threw me.
It was hard to plaster myself all over social every week. I had to disconnect my self-esteem and my ego from the business of being an entertainer. 2024 was a year of Trina Gold everywhere I turned and it was challenging for the recluse that I am. I wish I had a stage name it would be easier to differentiate the many facets of a business owner, stage performer, mom, community member, and me.
Sadly the band disbanded in December. I was heartbroken because I knew that we had just arrived on the social scene and as a marketer there is nothing worse than the business you are promoting folding. We marketers are forever optimists by trade.
But in the world of musicians, this is just another chapter. I’m already working with new players—Gold Noire isn’t done. We’re just getting started.
If there is a topic you’d like to hear more about by all means comment below or direct message and I’ll do my best.
Nothing better than a good question to jump into.
Reach out for a talk over coffee or a hike I give information freely. I only ask to be paid when I do the work.
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Trina Gold
Master Creator