September 30, 2024

Why Tactics Shouldn’t Drive Your Social Media Marketing

I was testing a new AI platform and ran a prompt for a client on strategy. Since it was a new platform and had no reference to BWCI, I was pleasantly surprised at the results. I went down the outline checking off each suggestion. Big ego stroke because strategy was #1 on my list for 2024 to expand my knowledge and awareness of for myself and my clients.  In my work There’s always some new trend, platform feature, or tactic that promises to be the next big thing to “go viral” or bring in a flood of customers overnight. It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement, but here’s the reality: successful marketing isn’t about jumping on every new tactic. It’s about strategy.

For those of us who have been in business for years, we know better than to follow every trend. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with using new tactics, but they only work if they fit into the bigger picture. Your strategy is the foundation; it’s the why and the what of your business. The tactics? They’re just tools to help you get there. You have to keep that focus. Otherwise, you end up spinning your wheels and wasting time.

What Is Strategy?

Let’s break this down, because strategy is not as complicated as some make it seem. Strategy, at its core, is your big-picture plan. It’s your business goals, your vision, and the story you want to tell your customers. It's why you exist as a business and what problem you’re solving.

For example, your strategy could be about building a reputation as the go-to spot for high-quality, locally sourced meals in Tahoe. Or maybe it’s becoming the trusted brand for family vacation getaways at the lake. That’s the heart of your business—your why.

Your strategy guides every marketing decision you make, from the platforms you choose to the messages you put out there. It’s the North Star that should keep you on track when you’re making decisions about how to communicate your story and your brand.

What Are Tactics?

Now, tactics are the actions you take to implement your strategy. They’re the tools, tricks, and techniques that help you reach your audience. Posting daily on Instagram, using Facebook ads, or creating Reels on TikTok are all tactics. Running a contest, sharing customer testimonials, or creating influencer partnerships are also tactics.

Here’s the trap I see businesses fall into—tactics are shiny and exciting, and because of that, they can easily become distractions. A business owner hears about someone getting a big boost from a TikTok video and suddenly thinks, “We need to be doing TikTok!” Or they read that Instagram Stories are blowing up and think, “We need to be all-in on Stories now!”

But without strategy, those tactics are just noise.  If TikTok or Instagram Stories don’t align with your goals or audience, they’re not going to move the needle for you in any meaningful way. They might be fun to play with, but they won’t contribute to long-term success unless they serve your bigger strategy.

Strategy vs. Tactics: A Real-World Example

Let me give you a real-world example. Say you’re a small local business in Truckee, and your strategy is to build a loyal, repeat customer base. You want locals to think of your shop whenever they need something within your niche—whether that’s a specialty grocery store, a café, or a boutique.

So, what should your tactics be? Maybe you’ve heard a lot about TikTok’s explosive growth and think, “I should get on that!” But here’s the thing—TikTok’s audience skews younger, more national, and less geographically specific. Is that really where your ideal customers are? Probably not. In this case, you’d be better off focusing your efforts on Facebook or Instagram, where you can build connections with the local community. Use geo-targeted ads, showcase local events, and get involved in the community’s online conversations.

The point is, TikTok might be a shiny tactic, but it doesn’t align with your strategy to build a strong, local customer base. If you let TikTok drive your marketing decisions, you’ll be wasting time and effort trying to attract the wrong audience.

The Danger of Letting Tactics Drive the Strategy

When you let tactics drive your strategy, you’re essentially putting the cart before the horse. You might get some initial traction—maybe a spike in views or engagement—but it’s not sustainable. Eventually, you’ll realize you’re putting in a ton of effort but not seeing the results you want.

Worse, you might lose sight of your brand’s identity altogether. If you’re constantly chasing the next tactic, you’re not taking the time to build consistency in your messaging. And consistency is key. People want to know what your brand stands for. They want to understand your story, your values, and what makes you different. But if you’re always bouncing from one tactic to the next, that message gets lost in the noise.

Strategy Is Your Anchor

At the end of the day, strategy is your anchor in the fast-moving world of digital marketing. Tactics will come and go, trends will rise and fall, but if you have a strong, clear strategy, you’ll always be able to find your way. Your strategy is what keeps you grounded, focused, and aligned with your bigger vision for your business.

Tactics are tools, but your strategy is the blueprint. So, before you jump on the next big trend, take a step back and ask yourself—does this tactic fit my strategy? If it does, great—go for it. But if it doesn’t, don’t be afraid to let it go.

Stick to your strategy, and the results will follow.

If there is a topic you’d like to hear more about by all means comment below or direct message and I’ll do my best.

Nothing better than a good question to jump into.

Reach out for a talk over coffee or a hike I give information freely. I only ask to be paid when I do the work.

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Trina Gold

Master Creator

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